Construction Site Inspection
After the contract has been awarded and construction begins, we monitor progress on a weekly basis. This is a critical part of the process and we strongly advocate being involved in the construction process. Not only does it ensure all the hard work we put in designing your vision is executed properly and according to the drawings we crafted, but we find that it holds the Contractor accountable to a higher building standard.
Invariably, there are things that we just aren’t able to draw or anticipate during the Construction Documents phase. Involving us in the Construction Administration phase allows the project design vision to be integrated into the details of the project seamlessly.
We may visit the site weekly or bi-weekly to meet with the Contractor and Subcontractors to answer any questions and review progress and conformance with the Contract Documents. We will post you on progress photos and send you a monthly site report.
During the whole construction phase any work that requires clarification we issue ‘sketches’ to facilitate the Contractor’s work. We continuously respond to contractor’s ‘Request for Information’ or else known as RFI. We will co-ordinate of the contract, both on and off site. We will design and supply statutory interfaces, administer the contract and work variations, assemble the final account, certify contractors costs and expenses, certify Practical Completion and Final certificates.